My current research interests lie in deep learning and computer vision. I’ve researched unsupervised learning and semantic segmentation.


Sogang University (SGU)
M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering
- Advised by Prof. Jungmin So.
Seoul, South Korea
Feb 2022 - Aug 2024
University of Toronto (UofT)
M.S. in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
- IITP Applied AI Program
Toronto, Canada
Jan 2024 - Jun 2024
Sogang University (SGU)
B.S. in Economics and Bigdata Science
Seoul, South Korea
Feb 2014 - Feb 2022


Empirical Analysis of Automated Stock Trading Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Minseok Kong and Jungmin So
MDPI Applied Sciences, 2023


Efficient Human Detection Leveraging YOLOv8 Nano on ROS: A Comparative Study of RGB-D and RGB Cameras
January 2024 – June 2024
Implementation and optimization of two ROS packages for efficient human detection using RGB and RGB-D cameras, including a comparative analysis of their setups for depth estimation and object detection, and model optimization for low CPU usage through conversion and quantization techniques.
Real-time Motorcycle Tracking Leveraging YOLOv7 on Jetson Nano
September 2022 – December 2022
By leveraging YOLOv7 to an embedded system (NVIDIA Jetson Nano), tracking motorcycles on the road in real-time.